Paul Nehlen is challenging U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan for the Republican nomination in Wisconsin’s first congressional district.
Nehlen, a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor, first challenged Speaker Ryan for the nomination in 2016, forcing Ryan to spend $10.6 million dollars to win the nomination in the southern Wisconsin congressional district.
His first foray into politics led to Ryan’s about-face on the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership, a so-called “free trade deal” that would’ve shipped American jobs to Asia.
“Speaker Ryan didn’t help Mr. Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, and even pledged not to defend the president,” Nehlen said of Ryan. “But I have a message for Speaker Ryan: The American people are not done fighting for President Trump’s good agenda. And that’s why I am running against Paul Ryan.”
Nehlen, who started on the factory floor, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. “As an executive, I’ve brought jobs back from China and Mexico and Canada to the United States. That’s the kind of experience Wisconsin desperately needs right now,” Nehlen said.
“Last year in my first challenge to Speaker Ryan, we managed to, the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Last year after we killed Ryan’s and Obama’s job-killing deal, Ryan picked right back up by kicking TPP over to his pal Kevin Brady to carry before Trump killed it. And Ryan is still pushing the Border Adjustment Tax, Nehlen said.
“Thankfully we succeeded in forcing Ryan to walk back his position on TPP long enough for Donald Trump to defeat Hillary in November and finally kill the thing.” Nehlen explained.
“If Hillary Clinton had been president, Paul Ryan would’ve forced TPP through with her help during the lame duck session,” he claimed.
“But Paul Ryan still hasn’t gotten the memo. Millions of Americans voted for President Trump, and they expect Paul Ryan to work to repeal Obamacare, end bad, job-killing trade deals, close the border, defund the dangerous refugee resettlement racket, and back the President’s strong, America First agenda. But that hasn’t happened,” he says.
“Sadly, Ryan’s behavior is predictable. He gets 99% of his donations from outside the district, mostly from Corporate PACs,” Nehlen said, a claim that holds up, according to
“Paul Ryan is a career politician who has been in D.C. for nearly two decades. He may have been a nice Wisconsin boy when he left Janesville,” Nehlen said, “but now Ryan is working for special interests and industry bosses, working to sell Wisconsin’s jobs to Mexico and Asia. Ryan is working hand-in-hand with multinational corporations to reduce their costs by giving them access to low-paid immigrant labor. And it is decimating Wisconsin’s economy,” he said.
“Wisconsin voted to drain the swamp last November, so that’s what I’m going to do,” he said.