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So far paulynehlen has created 21 blog entries.

Special Report On Candidate Nick Polce For Congress WI-01

By | 2018-08-05T16:43:23+00:00 August 5th, 2018|

July 26, 2018
Contact: [email protected] 


Special Report On Candidate Nick Polce For Congress WI-01

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen presents this research to the Wisconsin and national news media for the purposes of making the public aware of a fraudulent candidate in our midst.

“I was told face-to-face by a sitting U.S. Congressman in the fall of 2017 that if we kept doing what we were doing shining light on Paul Ryan, he would most certainly step down, that he was planning to push through an enormous Omnibus and avoid fully funding President Trump’s wall. Furthermore, this source shared that the GOP already had their replacement picked and he was a nobody from a well-connected family in Wisconsin. He went on to tell me that I ought to expect another candidate to show up from the deep state ranks to split my vote so that the GOP chosen candidate would win.” stated Nehlen.

“Paul Ryan did in fact push through a massive Omnibus, and did in fact avoid funding the wall that President Trump, myself and America need for the safety and security of this nation,” Nehlen continued. “The GOP pushed all experienced Wisconsin pols aside in favor of Paul Ryan’s former driver, Bryan Stile, just as was predicted.”

“That leaves us with the last prediction which came true, with deep state candidate Nick Polce, who has portrayed himself as a Lake Geneva businessman, coming to the district in 2016, as directly or indirectly reported here, here, here, and here. Mr. Polce claims that he is a real estate investor but only has two properties to his name: the one he just purchased in Wisconsin in October 2017 to live in, consistent with the predicted behavior of the prophesied carpetbagger, and a two bedroom property in Fountain, Colorado with an assessed value of $8,570. Lastly, if Polce were here since 2016, he’s only voted twice and both of those times were in 2018: February 20th, and April 3rd. That information is available for Nicholas Polce with a birthdate of 05/05/1979 at

“I’ve endured false accusations that I’m a racist, a bigot, and an anti-semite, none of which are true. The fact of the matter is the Wisconsin GOP cannot control me like they can Bryan Stile, so they cover for this vote splitting carpetbagger Nick Polce. Voters want a strong America First Trump supporter, and that’s me. By their cowardly debate-avoiding behavior, we know it’s neither Stile nor Polce. I’ll not silently watch as the deep state maneuvers to add another #NeverTrump attorney, Bryan Stile, to the D.C. swamp. I pray there are still journalists left in America with the integrity to independently verify this report, and publish the full account,” Nehlen concluded.


We need your help to get this message out into the district. Please consider a generous donation to help our campaign prevent another #NeverTrump lawyer from getting into the D.C. swamp. Click here to donate.


Thank you for all of your support and prayers.

I’m terribly grateful for all of your help waging this battle to Make America First Again.


Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, for freedom of lawful speech on social media platforms, barring dual citizens from bureaucracy and the military,  and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.

FEC Complaint Naming Twitter As Respondent Filed By Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen

By | 2018-07-29T20:16:33+00:00 July 29th, 2018|

July 29, 2018
Email: [email protected]

FEC Complaint Naming Twitter As Respondent Filed By Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission naming Twitter, Inc. (“Twitter”) as a respondent. The full text of the complaint may be read here PAUL NEHLEN TWITTER FEC COMPLAINT.

“Sometimes you are ready and in the right place, but you are waiting for the right time to come along,” Nehlen began. “The right time is upon us to demand Twitter be held to account for what we contend are illegal business practices resulting in violations of corporate contribution and/or expenditure prohibitions established the Federal Election Campaign Act (“FECA”), 52 U.S.C. § 30101, et seq. and Commission regulations, including violations of 11 C.F.R. §  110.13(b)(2) and (c) related to staging organizations responsibilities for candidate debates; and has actively interfered with certain viewpoints, particularly those of conservatives or Republicans. Twitter’s interference with elections must stop now.”

“Second, we assert that Twitter banned me from the platform for the purpose of influencing the 2018 mid-term election by making in-kind contributions to my political opponents: Democratic candidates vying for Paul Ryan’s seat as the U.S. Representative from Wisconsin’s First Congressional District.”

“Third, we contend that as an interactive-news coverage website, Twitter operates as a debate platform for political candidates running for office,  yet Twitter uses subjective criteria, rather than objective criteria (as required by 11 C.F.R. § 110.13(b)(2) and (c)) when it decides which political candidates will be allowed to debate each other on its debate platform.”

52 U.S.C.  § 30109(a)(2) provides that: “If the commission, upon receiving a complaint…has reason to believe that a person has committed, or is about to commit, a violation of [FECA]…[t]he Commission shall make an investigation of such alleged violation…”

A “reason to believe” finding followed by an investigation would be appropriate when a complaint credibly alleges that a significant violation may have occurred, but further investigation is required to determine whether a violation in fact occurred and, if so, its exact scope.” 72 Fed. Reg. 12545 (March 16, 2007)

“Twitter has long been criticized by users for favoring liberal speech on its platform over conservative speech, a bias that appears to have been confirmed by former and current employees admitting on a hidden camera that Twitter utilizes techniques to “shadow-ban” and otherwise limit the reach of conservative accounts. Conrado Miranda, a former Twitter software engineer, admitted to an undercover journalist for Project Veritas that Twitter routinely bans specific users from the platform at the request of foreign governments. Twitter initially responded to the Project Veritas video by dishonestly denying that it ever shadow-bans accounts, however, just this past week Twitter has since backtracked on this position after Vice News confronted Twitter with screenshots that show that the Republican Party chair Ronna McDaniel, several conservative Republican congressmen, and Donald Trump Jr.’s spokesman do not appear in the auto-populated drop-down search box on Twitter. The unfolding of this story has drawn the attention of President Trump, who like myself, is a stalwart defender of free speech.”

“In my case,” Nehlen affirms,” each and every time I was reprimanded by Twitter for using lawful debate speech on their platform, the reprimand was proceeded by several emails from Twitter affirming that I had not, in fact, broken their Terms of Service [TOS]. When I was banned permanently from the platform for lawful speech, I received twenty-three emails from Twitter affirming that I had not, in fact, violated Twitter’s Terms of Service.”

“In the case of Patrick Little running in California, Twitter indefinitely locked Patrick’s account, contingent upon him deleting several campaign tweets. Twitter has also banned Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s campaign video mentioning “baby body parts.”

After the 2016 election, Twitter took its first significant step in limiting the political speech it disagrees with by creating the Twitter Trust and Safety Council. Twitter claims the purpose of the Trust and Safety Council is to work with “safety advocates” to “prevent abuse.”

“However, organizations that make up the Trust and Safety Council are almost entirely left-leaning organizations who monitor speech online: for example, the Dangerous Speech Project, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League.”

“I am calling on Congressmen Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher, and Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn to present and co-sponsor my concise “Shall Not Censor” proposal (linked here and listed below) as the final solution to the censorship problem we face with mega-Corporate monopolies such as Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube, who enjoy Section 230 protections in the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) against user’s speech on their platforms, all the while censoring debate speech of candidates and prospective future candidates in this great nation of ours.”

“Let’s Make Freedom Of Speech Great Again,” Nehlen concluded.

December 14, 2017
 [email protected]

Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal “Shall Not Censor” Legislation

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen is the first candidate or elected official willing to stand up and propose a legislative solution to the problem of censorship of Americans’ lawful speech on social media.

“We need a federal law prohibiting censorship of lawful speech on major social media platforms,” Nehlen asserts. “It is well-known that Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube discriminate against the right-wing, as evidenced by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s recent comments. While widely heralded for those comments, they rang hollow with no suggested solution. This law is that solution. It will extend Americans’ First Amendment free speech protections onto major social media platforms.”

“We are not extensively regulating or ‘trust-busting,'” Nehlen explains, “because people generally like how the platforms perform in terms of functionality. This law will not interfere with features or functionality, so market forces will remain in play. The problem is their censorship of lawful speech. Hypocritically, the same companies that support net neutrality also want to censor your speech. We say no.”

For purposes of this legislation, “censorship” includes:
• Denial of platform access and normal use thereof (e.g., lockouts, suspensions, bans)
• “Shadowbanning”
• Issuance of “verified” status based on any factor(s) unrelated to identity authentication
• “Throttling” accounts and/or content without disclosure
• Embargoing content (i.e., no “memory-holing” content without the consent of the creator)
• Manipulating “trending” algorithms without disclosure
• Demonetization
“Lawful speech” is based upon the standards enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, with the following limitations:
• No child pornography
• No explicit, credible threats of physical violence
• No publishing any individual’s nonpublic residential address, telephone number, or email address without their consent
• Platforms may choose to prohibit otherwise-lawful pornographic video (i.e., video containing explicit sexual acts)
• Restrictions on copyrighted content are already addressed by the DMCA

“Major social media platforms” means social media platforms that enjoy a market share above a minimum threshold level. At present, it would include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. (Smaller platforms and message boards will not be affected.)
The legislation would impose company fines of $500,000 per instance of wrongful censorship, and would be enforced by the FCC. Judicial remedies (both monetary and non-monetary) may also be available to aggrieved parties.

“The bedrock of American society is freedom of speech. Social media companies have usurped this freedom, and we intend to give it back to the American people,” says Nehlen.

“This is just one more instance where Paul Ryan has shown he isn’t getting the job done in Washington. The GOP’s voters are being systematically censored off of the primary channels of public communication by left-wing tech giants, and Ryan — indeed, the entire GOP Congress — has sat utterly mute for years and allowed it to happen. In the absence of leadership, I willingly step into the breach.”

Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.

Candidate Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal Dual-Citizen “One Loyalty” Legislation

By | 2018-07-10T18:48:09+00:00 July 2nd, 2018|

July 2, 2018
Email: [email protected]

Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Dual-Citizen Federal “One Loyalty” Legislation

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen is the first candidate or elected official willing to stand up and propose a legislative solution to the problem of dual-citizens in elected or appointed offices.

“We need a federal law prohibiting dual-citizens from holding elected or appointed offices, or temporary or permanent hired positions in America’s federal, state, or local bureaucracy or in America’s military,” Nehlen asserts.

“Dual-citizens present an ethical dilemma, and set up a moral hazard that the public ought not bear,” Nehlen continued.

“While this treacherous situation presents a base-line ethical dilemma from any nation a person may share dual-citizen status, there is one nation where this condition presents particularly egregious pain: Israel. The reason is straightforward,” Nehlen explains. “Any criticism of Israel is portrayed as “anti-Semitism” and the offending person is ostracized from polite society. Conversely, every single day Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Han Chinese, etc are criticized and critiqued in every sort of circumstance and for all sorts of reasons. So, every race is subject to criticism, except for one: Jews. That’s a double-standard and that has to stop.”

The following two quotes from highly respected U.S. military leaders highlights the real-world problems dual-citizenry exacerbate on the global stage. In prepared testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gen. David Petraeus stated:

“Insufficient progress toward a comprehensive Middle East peace. The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR [Area of Operations]. Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large-scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas”. [highlighting mine]

Then there is this quote “I paid a military-security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel.” - General Mattis [highlighting mine]

“Here we have two Generals at the highest ranks of our military, testifying that America’s relationship with Israel is hurting our country,” Nehlen continued. “We need our legislators and executives in Washington to heed testimony like this without favoritism or bias for Israel, and make the right decisions based on America’s best interest - not Israel’s. And this sentiment is echoed by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former Director of the CIA’s Bin Laden Unit, Michael Scheuer, and former Congressman Ron Paul, to name a few.”

Nehlen expressed concern about how legislators recently proposed Anti-Boycott Act that the ACLU claimed would encroach on Americans’ freedom of speech.

“Again, this is just one of those situations where lawmakers are forced to choose between their allegiances: Israel or America,” Nehlen said. “Clearly, the ACLU had concerns about the bill’s affect on our Constitutional right to free speech, so we absolutely must not put bills like this in front of people whose loyalties lay outside of the US. And we must be able to categorically reject bills like this without being stigmatized as an anti-Semite - something we’ve seen a lot of lately.”

The legislation would ban dual-citizens from any nation from holding any office in federal, state, or local bureaucracies, elected or otherwise, or in America’s military. For elected office holders, special elections must be held for all current office holders within 3 months of this legislation being signed into law. For unelected positions, the incumbents would have 3 months to resign their position. Dual-citizens who fail to vacate these positions, or going-forward, campaign for, accept appointment to, or are hired for any period of time into federal, state, or local bureaucratic positions, or within the military would be guilty of treason per 18 U.S. Code § 2381.

“We must secure the bureaucracy to restore public trust and make America safe again,” Nehlen concluded.

Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.

Candidate for Congress Paul Nehlen Organizes GOP Debate & Invites Challengers

By | 2018-06-27T16:31:57+00:00 June 26th, 2018|

June 26, 2018
Contact: [email protected] 


Candidate for Congress Paul Nehlen

Organizes GOP Debate & Invites Challengers

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen has just announced the date and location of a public debate to be held in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional district.

“The Wisconsin GOP has done their best to prevent me from speaking at any of their events, first barring me from the 2017 FallFest event in Burlington when I was the only announced candidate, well ahead of Paul Ryan stepping down, and several times since Ryan announced retirement, when a plethora of candidates then gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot,” stated Nehlen.

“Wisconsin residents are owed an election, not a selection,” Nehlen continued, “so I’ve taken it upon myself to lead the way by securing a venue and a debate moderator. We will not be so-called soliciting questions from the public ahead of the venue as the corrupt WisGOP does with the intent of distributing those questions to the *selected* candidate ahead of the event. The WisGOP has devolved not unlike the Clinton campaign when they conspired with CNN to prevent Bernie Sanders from gaining the nomination.”

“The moderator, a person of high integrity, will not be announced prior to the event due to security concerns. As we’ve seen with the disgusting treatment of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, we do not wish to subject a willing participant in the event to undue risk ahead of the event. Accordingly, there will be armed security at the venue.”

“This will be a public event but we will issue tickets to ensure that the crowd is comprised of residents, not trouble-making interlopers. Additionally, we will bar all board members of the 1st District GOP WI and their minions who pride themselves on barring Team Nehlen from attending any of the 1st District events.” Nehlen continued.

We have copied the campaigns of the following candidates as a courtesy to this announcement.

  1. Brad Boivin
  2. Nick Polce (even though he’s deep state and has lived in Wisconsin well less than a year)
  3. Jeremy Ryan
  4. Kevin Steen
  5. Bryan Steil

The debate will be held from 6:30 - 7:30 pm on Tuesday July 10th at the following address:

Delavan Community Park Building

1220 S. Shore Drive

Delavan, WI 53115

***Press should email [email protected] for instructions to ensure a safe, smooth, constructive event for the residents of Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional district.



Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.

Unlawful Election Interference by Twitter, the Anti-Defamation League, and Foreign Persons and Entities

By | 2018-02-15T03:33:59+00:00 February 15th, 2018|

There are several things I’d like to share with you in this post. This is going to be a long one, but I think you will find what I have to say is central to the battle for the soul of the America First agenda.

The first thing I want to share with you is the media release that I sent out two days ago:


February 12, 2018


Statement of Paul Nehlen on Unlawful Election Interference

by Twitter, the Anti-Defamation League,

and Foreign Persons and Entities

Yesterday, Twitter banned me from its platform. I am the second GOP congressional candidate within one month to be banned for lawful speech from a major social media platform, which a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court recently acknowledged to be the new de facto public square.

This is the epitome of interfering with a federal election. Twitter is largely foreign-owned, and has partnered with the ADL — a pro-censorship extremist organization — to suppress right-wing political speech. In addition, we have reason to believe that, because of the content of one of my recent controversial tweets, the British government may also be involved in this unlawful election interference, by demanding Twitter suspend my account pursuant to its Orwellian “hate speech” laws. We will be filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission in the coming days, alleging violations by the aforementioned parties of federal election laws and regulations.

These are unprecedented, brazen acts of censorship by a corporate monopoly that controls a primary channel of public communication. It has severely compromised the integrity of our election processes, and Congress needs to hold public hearings and conduct a full investigation into these matters without delay. This communist-style speech control absolutely cannot be tolerated in an open and democratic society.


We Need Your Help To Fund This Fight


The second thing I’d like you to read through is the line of questioning sent over by the “Wisconsin media” and how they handled my statements:


Mark Sommerhauser

Reporter, Wisconsin State Journal




State Ethics Commission records show Paul Nehlen paid $25 in September to the Racine County Republican Party for what was reported to the commission as “membership.”

However, the Republican Party of Wisconsin today provided me the following statement: “Paul Nehlen is not a member of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Nehlen and his ideas have no place in the Republican Party.”

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said of Nehlen Tuesday that “it looks to me like he’s a racist bigot.”

“I don’t want him as part of my party,” Vos said.

How does Paul Nehlen respond to those comments?


Is he currently a member of the Racine County GOP or any other county party in Wisconsin? If he hasn’t already done so, does he plan to pay his 2018 membership dues to the Racine County GOP or any other county party in Wisconsin?


Also, does Paul Nehlen consider himself a white nationalist and/or a white supremacist and/or an anti-Semite, as his critics have described him?




Dear Mark,


My Statement is as follows:



I am a Republican Congressional candidate, and have paid my dues to the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Therefore, I am a member of the Republican Party regardless of what their traitorous, spineless apparatchiks believe. Not only does my America First agenda have a place in the Republican Party, it ought to be the centerpiece of the Republican Party. I will not be lectured to on conservative values by self-righteous prigs who have managed to conserve nothing.


As for the comments of Robin “Toll Roads” Vos, it is sad and pathetic that his attacks are indistinguishable from the tired tactics used by the left. The Republican Party of Wisconsin is not Vos’ personal cartel. I am a member of the following county parties in Wisconsin:

Rock since 2016,

Walworth since 2016,

Racine since 2016,

Milwaukee since 2016,

Waukesha since 2016,

Kenosha since 2016.


Finally, my political views are America First, and are shared by the Founding Father’s of our great Nation. Not being a philosemite does not make one an antisemite; my dishonest “critics” are unable to comprehend this reality. Jews, just like every other group, are not immune from criticism.







Jason Stein

State Capitol reporter


Hello Mr. Nehlen,


Today Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and RPW said you were a racist. RPW says county GOP officials will be returning your past dues or donating them to charity and that you are no longer a member of the GOP. Any comment? Thanks, J




Dear Jason,


Here’s my statement:


I am a Republican Congressional candidate, and have paid my dues to the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Therefore, I am a member of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, regardless of what their traitorous,

spineless apparatchiks wish to believe. What they choose to do with my (already accepted) membership dues will not change this fact, so I would suggest that they cut out their petty behavior right now.


The Republican Party of Wisconsin is not Scott Walker and Robin Vos’ personal cartel, and I will not be lectured to on conservative values by self-righteous prigs who have managed to conserve nothing. As for their calling me a “racist,” I will not dignify with a response the same cliché, Marxist tactics used by the left. If they want to talk and behave just like Democrats, then perhaps the Democratic Party is better suited to them.







Scott Bauer

AP Reporter


I’m writing to see if Paul has any reaction to the Wisconsin Republican Party, Paul Ryan, Robin Vos and Scott Walker all today denouncing him and saying that he doesn’t represent the Republican Party. As I’m sure you’ve seen, the state party is saying any dues he paid to three county parties has been donated or returned to Nehlen and he is not a part of the state Republican Party. Vos today called Paul a “racist bigot.”


So, I’m interested in any reaction he’s got.








Here’s my statement:


First of all, only Republicans are foolish and spineless enough to “denounce” their own in order to curry favor with the leftist media (which has never worked and will never work, anyway).


Not only does my America First agenda represent the Republican Party (at least if the Party wishes to have any sustainable future), it also represents the true feelings of the Republican base, notwithstanding certain out-of-touch GOP elites constantly trying to browbeat and shame them as “racist bigots” simply for wanting to put America First. We will not be lectured to on conservative values by self-righteous prigs who have conserved nothing and are basically just liberals on a 5 year time-delay.


With regard to the Republican Party of Wisconsin: I am a Republican Congressional candidate, and have paid my dues to the Republican Party of Wisconsin. I am therefore a member of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, regardless of what their traitorous,

sleazy apparatchiks wish to believe. What they choose to do with my (already accepted) membership dues will not change this fact, so I would suggest that they cut out their petty behavior right now. The Republican Party of Wisconsin is not Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and Robin Vos’ personal cartel.




We Need Your Help To Fund This Fight


Not one of the reporters I provided quotes to utilized them. In fact, Scott Bauer of the AP used only 13 words out of the short 203 word statement I provided him. President Trump is right, #FakeNews!

The news media is sick!

The attacks on me keep coming, but I refuse to back down. Help me take the fight directly to defeat Paul Ryan in spite of those who circle the wagons around him.

I didn’t leave the GOP.

We didn’t leave the GOP.

The GOP left us.

We can do this together. I need your support. You haven’t backed down and neither will I.



This fight is for the soul of the Nation. Please friend, consider a donation to help me wage this battle.


In Liberty,


Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values.


Ryan Delivers For Hedge Fund Donors, Thwarts Trump’s Attempts to Put Middle-Class First

By | 2017-12-27T19:00:17+00:00 December 27th, 2017|

Paul Ryan, acting on behalf of his big Wall Street donors, repeatedly frustrated the president’s attempts to end a tax loophole opposed by the vast majority of the American people.1

On the campaign trail and in the White House, President Trump and conservative middle-class American voters called time and again for the repeal of the carried interest loophole that lets hedge fund managers pay a capital gains tax of 20 percent and an investment tax of 3.8 percent.

Paul Ryan, acting once again as handmaiden of the big banks, frustrated the president’s attempts to repeal this loophole time and time again, according to both respected conservative activist Ned Ryun and President Trump’s Economic Adviser Gary Cohn.2

In the words of Mr. Ryun, Paul Ryan’s Congress “is run by a ruling class of establishment Republicans and Democrats who are serving themselves and serving their special crony allies.”

President Trump’s economic adviser Gary Cohn told Axios Media that the Trump administration “tried 25 times” to cut the carried interest loophole, and blamed Paul Ryan’s Congress for thwarting these attempts, saying that they hit massive resistance from Capitol Hill “every time we tried.”3

Public records confirm that Ryan is profiting handsomely by thwarting the will of the American people on behalf of his special interest donors. The speaker has already raked in $1.4 million from hedge funds and other securities and investment companies in the 2018 election cycle alone.4

Luckily for Wisconsin voters, Ryan’s Republican challenger Paul Nehlen is a self-made American manufacturer who does not need to go begging special interests for campaign funds, and he will only represent the hard-working middle-class voters of Wisconsin District 1, not greedy donors on Wall Street and K Street.

1 According to a March 14, 2012 Bloomberg poll, 68 percent of Americans believe the “carried interest” tax loophole is “unreasonable.”
2 “Ryun: McConnell & Ryan Save Carried Interest Loophole For Wall Street Hedge Funds,” Real Clear Politics, 22 Dec 2017.
3 “Gary Cohn: We ‘tried 25 times’ to cut hedge fund loophole in tax reform bill, but failed,” CNBC, 20 Dec 2017.
4 Open Secrets Center for Responsive Politics.

Candidate Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal “Shall Not Censor” Legislation

By | 2018-07-29T18:55:40+00:00 December 21st, 2017|

December 14, 2017
 [email protected]

Candidate For Congress Paul Nehlen Releases Outline Of Proposed Federal “Shall Not Censor” Legislation

Delavan, WI — Republican U.S. House candidate Paul Nehlen is the first candidate or elected official willing to stand up and propose a legislative solution to the problem of censorship of Americans’ lawful speech on social media.
“We need a federal law prohibiting censorship of lawful speech on major social media platforms,” Nehlen asserts. “It is well-known that Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube discriminate against the right-wing, as evidenced by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s recent comments. While widely heralded for those comments, they rang hollow with no suggested solution. This law is that solution. It will extend Americans’ First Amendment free speech protections onto major social media platforms.”
“We are not extensively regulating or ‘trust-busting,'” Nehlen explains, “because people generally like how the platforms perform in terms of functionality. This law will not interfere with features or functionality, so market forces will remain in play. The problem is their censorship of lawful speech. Hypocritically, the same companies that support net neutrality also want to censor your speech. We say no.”
For purposes of this legislation, “censorship” includes:
• Denial of platform access and normal use thereof (e.g., lockouts, suspensions, bans)
• “Shadowbanning”
• Issuance of “verified” status based on any factor(s) unrelated to identity authentication
• “Throttling” accounts and/or content without disclosure
• Embargoing content (i.e., no “memory-holing” content without the consent of the creator)
• Manipulating “trending” algorithms without disclosure
• Demonetization
“Lawful speech” is based upon the standards enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, with the following limitations:
• No child pornography
• No explicit, credible threats of physical violence
• No publishing any individual’s nonpublic residential address, telephone number, or email address without their consent
• Platforms may choose to prohibit otherwise-lawful pornographic video (i.e., video containing explicit sexual acts)
• Restrictions on copyrighted content are already addressed by the DMCA
“Major social media platforms” means social media platforms that enjoy a market share above a minimum threshold level. At present, it would include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit. (Smaller platforms and message boards will not be affected.)
The legislation would impose company fines of $500,000 per instance of wrongful censorship, and would be enforced by the FCC. Judicial remedies (both monetary and non-monetary) may also be available to aggrieved parties.
“The bedrock of American society is freedom of speech. Social media companies have usurped this freedom, and we intend to give it back to the American people,” says Nehlen.
“This is just one more instance where Paul Ryan has shown he isn’t getting the job done in Washington. The GOP’s voters are being systematically censored off of the primary channels of public communication by left-wing tech giants, and Ryan — indeed, the entire GOP Congress — has sat utterly mute for years and allowed it to happen. In the absence of leadership, I willingly step into the breach.”

Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.

Gateway Pundit: Conservative Paul Nehlen Proposes Free Speech Legislation for Social Media Giants

By | 2017-12-17T19:56:50+00:00 December 17th, 2017|

Conservative Paul Nehlen is the first politician to propose federal “shall not censor” legislation for social media giants.

Paul Nehlen is challenging Speaker Paul Ryan for his House seat in the GOP primary.

Conservatives are frequently banned, blocked, intimidated and shut down by Twitter and Facebook for posting conservative messages.

Here’s the proposal by Paul Nehlen:

Nehlen's Shall Not Censor Legislation Press Release, page 1
Nehlen's Shall Not Censor Legislation Press Release, page 2

This is a good move.

The power of the social media giants and their thought police is out of control.

Originally posted at the Gateway Pundit by Jim Hoft: Conservative Paul Nehlen Proposes Free Speech Legislation for Social Media Giants

Speaker Ryan, Enemy of Concealed Carry, to Step Down

By | 2017-12-14T22:53:08+00:00 December 14th, 2017|

Speaker Paul Ryan who has killed National Concealed Carry for almost a year now is rumored to step down at the end of 2018.

It’s no surprise to gun owners in Wisconsin and across the country. Reports from Capitol insiders in D.C. suggest that Paul Ryan faced the decision in part due to the thousands of gun owners that have reached out to his office in opposition to his stall on restoring gun rights.

National reciprocity would treat concealed carry permits like driver’s licenses would allow law-abiding Wisconsinites to keep their handguns on their persons for self-defense as they travel across state lines. Meaning one state valid license would apply in the other 49 states.

According to Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), Paul Ryan stated he “didn’t think the timing was right” for pro-gun reforms involving national reciprocity. Paul Ryan believes the common man should not have every opportunity to defend himself and his family.

This is in contrast to what Paul Ryan enjoys from taxpayer-funded armed protection he receives. Americans have seen this type of behavior from the likes of Billionaire Left Wing Financier Michael Bloomberg.

The accumulation of events surrounding Ryan’s soft support for gun rights and other key conservative goals such as building the wall and defunding Obamacare has reportedly pushed him to decide to step down after the 2018 midterm elections.

If this is the case Ryan’s bowing out will be a key victory for Wisconsin gun owners and grassroots concealed-carry activists across the nation.

Ryan has put forth legislation in the past that severely limits the God-given right of every law-abiding American to protect themselves and families from criminals and rapists. That’s why it’s time to get national reciprocity passed so that we can defend our lives in any state we travel from Wisconsin.

As your Congressman in Wisconsin’s 1st, I vow to protect the Second Amendment. It is one of our most cherished and important liberties. It recognizes the right of the individual to protect himself from the tyranny of the collective.

I will oppose all efforts to impose gun control, I’ll work to roll-back unreasonable controls currently in place, and I will fight to preserve the right to bear arms from federal overreach in Washington D.C.

Nehlen to Paul Ryan: “End the Russia Investigation, Defend President Trump from Unhinged Democrats”

By | 2018-02-17T15:03:34+00:00 November 29th, 2017|

Nehlen to Paul Ryan: “End the Russia Investigation, Defend President Trump from Unhinged Democrats”

It’s long past time Do-Nothing Speaker Ryan end the Mueller witch hunt, put America First, and Make America Great Again

In October, we learned that Never Trumpers, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and the Democratic National Committee likely colluded with the Kremlin to spread rumors and innuendo about President Trump. In the words of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board, “Democrats paid for Russians to compile wild allegations about a U.S. presidential candidate,” spending $12 million to produce the infamous “Steele Dossier.”

The Obama Administration appears to have used the Steele Dossier to launch an FBI investigation of the Trump campaign. This unprecedented politicization of the FBI could be the biggest American political scandal since Watergate.

Unfortunately, Speaker Paul Ryan has done little to nothing to defend the president and the party from the unprecedented abuse and politicization of the intelligence community. At best, Paul Ryan does nothing to defend the Republican Party, and at worse, he gives the left-wing media exactly the anti-Trump sound bites they so desperately crave.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Paul Ryan made the promise to his Republican colleagues that, “I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future.” In light of Ryan’s repeated failures to repeal and replace Obamacare and secure the Southern border by building a wall, this appears to be the only promise that Ryan is willing to keep.

On November 8, 2016, the people spoke in favor of President Trump’s vision to Make America Great Again. It is time for our Do-Nothing speaker to commit fully to this pro-worker, America First agenda and defend the Republican Party and our President with more than just empty words.

To move this country in the right direction, Paul Ryan must heed the words of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. As the WSJ wrote last week, Robert Mueller is compromised by his relationship to the FBI and James Comey, and “he could best serve the country by resigning to prevent further political turmoil over that conflict of interest.”

Rather than diddle around doing nothing, Paul Ryan must immediately move to defund Mueller’s compromised investigation, and, as recommended by the WSJ, reinstall Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes as lead on a Russia investigation that will investigate fully the documented collusion between the Clinton campaign and Russian intelligence, and the partisan abuses of intelligence by the Obama administration.

Once Paul Ryan defunds the Mueller charade and gives the House Intelligence committee the resources necessary to do their job, he must fully focus on enacting the Trump agenda that Americans voted for on November 8th. The people of Wisconsin are tired of Paul Ryan’s lackluster, tepid, and unserious attempts to enact an America First agenda that will create good-paying jobs, secure our borders, and raise wages for the hard-working men and women of this country.

If Do-Nothing Ryan doesn’t support Trump’s America First agenda, then for the sake of the American people he should step aside and stop lending aid and comfort to the biased left-wing media and their anti-American left-wing “resistance.”